The Paranormal Guide

It's a weird, weird world

The Paranormal Guide Podcasts

Welcome to our podcasts!
We thought adding a regular podcast to the website would be a fun way for us to talk about our findings, our beliefs and a good way to go in depth with our contributions.

We will very soon have fully featured shows where we can answer questions you send into us aswell as have interviews with people in the field etc.

Although it is not live and is prerecorded we are looking at ways the public can further interact with us and the website ahead of our radio show...

0 Comments Paranormal Profiles 002 - Chuck Gotski and Al Long - In The Dark Investigations
Posted by Ashley Hall on May 2, 2013 at 4:49 AM

Chuck Gotski and Al Long – In The Dark Investigations

In this edition of paranormal profiles I interviewed Chuck Gotski, founder of In The Dark Investigations, and Al Long, the teams case manager. Hailing from Illinois, US, it was great to meet a new team to chat to all about their passion for the paranormal, their technology, their methods, the locations they have visited and, of course, some of their own paranormal experiences.

In The Dark Investigations (also made up of two other investigators – Larry Jednachowski and Janine Hancock) are all believers in the paranormal, yet tackle investigations with logical explanations for events, rather than jumping straight to paranormal conclusions.

The team utilise an observation/participation form of investigating, attempting to interact with possible paranormal agents while utilising technology to record, and hopefully validate phenomena. With both Chuck and Al having had several occasions where death has entered their lives on a very personal basis, an almost intuition has perhaps developed when it comes to investigations. Regardless, it is the 'evidence' caught on technology which is what they are really after, though a good personal experience/event does not go amiss.

It is with this analytical method of investigating that In The Dark Investigations hopes to uncover truths about paranormal activity. We chat about the teams methods, their protocols and their gear, as well as some of the situations where there methodology has helped to perhaps answer/debunk a few paranormal experiences.

Having visited some of the most haunted locations in the mid-western United States, we chat about some of their cases and, most intriguing of all, the documentary they recently produced while investigating the haunted Willow Creek Farmstead.

So come join me, Ashley Hall, as I talk all things paranormal with Chuck Gotski and Al Long, and perhaps learn something new!

Links and Info:

For more on In The Dark Investigations check out the fantastic website/blog here:


If you are keen to feature on 'Paranormal Profiles' please contact Ashley Hall via one of the following:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: inbox the page at

or use the contact form at:

For more information on all things paranormal through articles, discussion, videos and podcasts visit

Want even more? Visit

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0 Comments Paranormal Profiles 001 - Alejandro Dominguez the Dead Explorer
Posted by Ashley Hall on May 2, 2013 at 3:59 AM

Alejandro Dominguez – The Dead Explorer

When it came time to decide who would be the first person to interview for the new 'paranormal profiles' series, the answer was quite simple. During the early days of The Paranormal Guide Podcasts, we quickly set to work on being able to interview people from all over the world, to bring their work and experiences to you. Our very first international guest was Alejandro Dominguez – the Dead Explorer.

Now, nearly a year on, Alejandro Dominguez once again comes on board with this new interview, the first of our paranormal profiles.

Alejandro Dominguez hails from Austin, Texas, over in the US, and is the creator, producer, presenter and investigator of the Dead Explorer web series. Each week Alejandro heads out and produces a bite sized chunk of paranormal exploration, that is easily enjoyed by anyone with an interest in the realms of the unknown.

A self confessed 'fence sitter', Alejandro is setting himself the task of uncovering the truth of paranormal events, through both working solo, and with the many other investigation teams that join him along the way. He has visited many iconic, historic locations across the US, that have borne witness to many strange events.

However, the real interest in the series are the locations you probably had not heard about, something new and unreal is always welcome in the community, and Alejandro has explored many of the places that have 'gone under the radar'.

In the interview, we find out where Alejandro’s interests into the paranormal developed, why he has such a healthy respect for the dead, and how his early years growing up in Mexico helped him develop those ideals.

We then talk about his series, how it came to be, and just why he chose to go with the short length format for his episodes. As a bonus, he also gives us the low down on how to get YouTube to work for you in getting those much sought after views on your videos.

We end the interview with some of Alejandro’s experiences and favourite places he has ventured into during his journey, and finally where he hopes to head in the near future.

So please join myself, Ashley Hall, and Alejandro Dominguez as we journey into the realm of exploring the dead.

Links and Info

For more on the Dead Explorer check out the fantastic website/blog here:

Alejandro is very big on keeping in touch through social media so check him out at the following:



Twitter: @TweetAlejandro Are you a paranormal investigator, paranormal entertainer, owner of a renowned haunted location or someone else quite active in the paranormal community?

If you are keen to feature on 'Paranormal Profiles' please contact Ashley Hall via one of the following:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: inbox the page at

or use the contact form at:

For more information on all things paranormal through articles, discussion, videos and podcasts visit

Want even more? Visit

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0 Comments The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast 021: Listeners Questions Part 2
Posted by Ashley Hall on April 4, 2013 at 2:50 AM

Welcome to Podcast 021!

This week we present our answers to a few more of our listeners questions. This follows on from last weeks show and we repeat a few of those questions for our two special co-hosts.

We are joined by Lyn and Wes, the two TPG investigators you do not usually hear on the show, and catch up with what they have been doing. We cover a little of our recent interesting finds out on investigations and talk a little about our ppersonnal experiences before delving into the show proper.

We then hit the questions, and hopefully answer them to the askers satisfaction. There are a few very interesting questions here including one that was intended for fun but got a little serious... seriousness on the podcast?!?!?

KidCrusher sees us out with his track 'I HEAR Dead People' (feat. Chico)

Links and Resources


APPI Tours:

Alpine Nirvana:

Apparition Technologies:

Ghost Shack:

Access Paranormal:

Newcastle Ghost Tours:

Ghost Hunters united:

Adelaide Haunted Horizons:

And as always for all feedback and suggestions

All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod


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0 Comments The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast 020: Listeners Questions
Posted by Ashley Hall on March 27, 2013 at 4:33 AM

Welcome to podcast 020!

This week we present a bit of a half way special. We open the show, talking about what we have been doing outside of the podcast for the last few months, and just have a general catch up with the team.

We then hit up many of the questions, you, our listeners, have asked us. Some are interesting, some are strange and some are just... yeah. Questions include such things as "How did we first become an investigator and involved with The Paranormal Guide?", "How would we react if we found ourselves in a classic UFO abduction scenario?", "ORBS", "Have we ever been scared?" etc etc.

The show does get a bit crazy and there a few blue words so please be advised!

Apparition sees us out this week with their track 'Frozen Roses'.

Links and Resources


APPI Tours:

Alpine Nirvana:

Apparition Technologies:

Ghost Shack:

Access Paranormal:

Newcastle Ghost Tours:

Ghost Hunters united:

Adelaide Haunted Horizons:

And as always for all feedback and suggestions

All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod


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1 Comments The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast 019: Haunted Objects
Posted by Ashley Hall on March 20, 2013 at 3:10 AM

Welcome to podcast 019!
This week we talk about haunted objects and delve a little into cursed objects as well.

'Feet on the Street' asks the public whether they know of any haunted objects or what objects they think a spirit could possess/inhabit.

We interview Alison Oborn all about her experiences with haunted objects including Old Tailem Town, a pioneer village filled with objects and buildings from the past.

Listener's question asks us whether we believe we have come into contact or own any haunted objects. As usual a few interesting answers from the team.

Vampyre Heart takes us out with 'Crazy Maybe'.

Links and Resources

Vampyre Heart:

Paranormal Field Investigators:

APPI Tours:

Alpine Nirvana:

Apparition Technologies:

Ghost Shack:

Access Paranormal:

Newcastle Ghost Tours:

Ghost Hunters united:

Adelaide Haunted Horizons:

And as always for all feedback and suggestions

All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod


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Tags: The paranormal guide
0 Comments The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast 018: Dreams
Posted by Ashley Hall on March 6, 2013 at 3:35 AM

Welcome to podcast 018!

This week we talk about dreams and delve into other places such as nightmares, astral travel and past lives.

'Feet on the Street' asks the public whether they believe dreams could be more than just sights and sounds played to us as we sleep.

We interview Janine Donnellan who has experience interpreting dreams, and who explains the possible meanings behind a recurring dream Ash has been having.

Listener's question asks us about a recurring dream a listener has been having about a building he has never been into before. What could it mean?

Apparition sees us out with their track 'The Dream Where I Cannot Go'.

Links and Contact Info:



APPI Tours:

Alpine Nirvana:

Apparition Technologies:

Ghost Shack:

Access Paranormal:

Newcastle Ghost Tours:

Ghost Hunters united:

Adelaide Haunted Horizons:

And as always for all feedback and suggestions

All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod

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0 Comments The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast 017: Ouija and Other Talking boards
Posted by Ashley Hall on February 27, 2013 at 2:28 AM

Welcome to podcast 017!

This week we talk about Ouija and other talking boards. We begin with a brief history of the planchette and ouija before detailing our own experiences with the board. the team talks about whther or not, had it not been for the experiment, they would have used a ouija board for any purpose. We also talk about why we would or would not, about the fear or lack of it.

'Feet on the Street' asks the public whether they have used a ouija board and, if not, whether they would.

We interview Janine Donnellan from SOul.S.P.I. who has had much experience with using the boards and other devices on investigation. We ask Janine how she got started as well as about her findings. This was a great interview with Janine proving to be a wealth of experience to draw upon.

Listener's question asks 'What can we do when using a ouija board to make sure no one is faking it, pushing the indicator?'.

Vampyre Heart sees us out with their song 'Evil Eyes'.

Links and Contact Info:

Vampyre Heart:


APPI Tours:

Alpine Nirvana:

Apparition Technologies:

Ghost Shack:

Access Paranormal:

Newcastle Ghost Tours:

Ghost Hunters united:

Adelaide Haunted Horizons:

And as always for all feedback and suggestions

All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod

- See more at:

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4 Comments The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast 016: Science, Entertainment, Profession or Hobby?
Posted by Ashley Hall on February 20, 2013 at 12:19 AM

Welcome to podcast 016!

This week we talk about whether we think the 'paranormal field' is  more for science or entertainment, a profession or a hobby. As always, we have many different opinions on the subject, with each of the team giving their own perspectives. At times we do run a little of course but that is becuase this is a huge subject and we can get a little carried away at times. Still as always we give it our best!

'Feet on the Street' asks the public whether they think paranormal research and investigation is a valid field. Interestingly enough the majority give the same response, as to what that is, you will have to listen to find out.

We interview Alison Oborn from Paranormal Field Investigators and ask about changes within the field over the last 24 years. Alison talks about her reasons for entering the field, what it meant to investigate 'back in the day' and how different types of people are now getting involved.

Listener's question asks 'What needs to be done for the paranormal field to be taken more seriously?'

Vampyre Heart takes us out with 'Crypt'.

Links and Contact Info:


Vampyre Heart:

Paranormal Field Investigators:

APPI Tours:

Alpine Nirvana:

Apparition Technologies:

Ghost Shack:

Access Paranormal:

Newcastle Ghost Tours:

Ghost Hunters united:

Adelaide Haunted Horizons:

And as always for all feedback and suggestions

All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod


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3 Comments The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast 015: We Are Back!!
Posted by Ashley Hall on February 13, 2013 at 12:56 AM

Welcome to podcast 015!

After a three month break The Paranormal Guide team is back to continue our run of weekly podcasts. A break is necessary every now and then as at The Paranormal Guide we are quite busy people so taking some time to relax is, we feel, much deserved!

This week we talk about what we have been doing during our break from podcasting. Some of the team have started new business ventures, others have been working on their own projects but all have been working hard at trying to grasp a better understanding of the strange and wacky world we call home. We also discuss whats coming up for this season... lots in store for you!

We take a look back on our first 'Feet on the Street' segment from six months ago and talk about how we think we have changed in that time.

We interview Alex Hedge from Ghost Hunters United to see whats been happening in the greather GHU paranormal family.

Listeners question comes from Pete Banks who asks 'If we could interview anyone on the show, who would it be?

Cyclosa takes us out with 'Taking Over Me'.


Links and Contact Info:

Ghost Hunters united:


Adelaide Haunted Horizons:

APPI Tours:

Alpine Nirvana:

Apparition Technologies:

Ghost Shack:

Access Paranormal:

Newcastle Ghost Tours:

And as always for all feedback and suggestions

All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod

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3 Comments The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast 014: Halloween in Australia
Posted by Ashley Hall on October 31, 2012 at 1:39 AM

Welcome to podcast 014!

This episode falls outside of the regular season format (in no way to blame on Ashley who foolishly ended the season one week too early!) but we are here anyway and we are talking all about Halloween, whether we celebrate it and what it means to us.

The episode was recorded in our sumptious lodgings in Ararat during our Vistoria road trip so please forgive the audio.

We conducted our 'Feet on the Street' at Australian Horrorcon 2012 where we ask some of the attendees whether they celebrate halloween and what they think of the culture slowly (but surely) making its way in Australia.

We then interview our very own Lyn Mallett about her halloween experiences. Lyn spent about a decade on a jointly run Australian and American base in Woomera, South Australia. As such she has experienced the full American Halloween and it really sounds like awesome times were had!

We end the show as always with listeners questions. We probed our own minds for questions to ask ourselves and came up with a few good ones. Make sure to pay them a listen.

Language warning with this episode... there are a few more swears than normal so pay heed if you have sensitive ears!


Links and Contact Info:


Adelaide Haunted Horizons:

APPI Tours:

Alpine Nirvana:

Apparition Technologies:

Ghost Shack:

Access Paranormal:

Newcastle Ghost Tours:

And as always for all feedback and suggestions


All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod


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